Upon instituting ban on prescription-free sale of codeine-containing medicines the volumes of desomorphine usage have reduced to 50% that proves for the efficiency of counter-narcotic measures for the recent period...
A group of Chinese drug dealers was arrested in Spain
According to the National Police of China, 67 members of the large international criminal band dealing with drug sales from China to the territory of Spain, were arrested by the drug officers. ...
Vladimir Putin (President of Russian Federation): We need to go back to the question of drug testing among children
During the recent meeting of Vladimir Putin with the governor of the Rostov region, the question of the introduction of a mandatory drug testing among pupils was raised in order to reveal the possible drug abuse among them. ...
Russia: The "laughing gas" to be outlawed soon
Victor Ivanov, the head of the FDCS RF (Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation) stated that his administration will ban the sale of the “laughing gas”. During the today’s press-conference, Eugene Brune, the main narcologist of the country, supported the initiative of antidrug services....
Nicotine intensifies the cocaine addiction
Scientists of the Columbian University (NY, USA) conducted a research, the results of which showed that nicotine serves as the most powerful catalyst of cocaine addiction. The brain “prepared” by nicotine, significantly perceives the effect of cocaine and intensifies the growth of addiction. ...
11 year old spilled his drug addict mother to police
Recently, Dakota County Police Department (Minnesota) arrested a woman for storage and use of drugs upon her son’s call...
USA: The clinic for AIDS, cancer and addiction treatment is opened.
Alfred Bowman (Andora), having lately received his scandal popularity claimed that he found the method how to treat AIDS, diabetes, cancer and other types of addictions. However, after the announcement about the new method of treatment which Bowman presented in one of the newspapers, local authorities paid scrupulous attention to his activity. ...
Marijuana - The cause of the chronic narcissism
Many people try to claim that marijuana entirely kills any attempt to do something and basically move on, being captured inside their own illusions. However, modern social networks based on the examples of canabists from Australia, so clearly demonstrate that it is far from the truth: weed-smokers are active, especially digitally, saying literally on industrial scales. ...
Scientists: Marijuana causes the testicular cancer
The group of scientists from the University of South California (USA) published the results of the long-term research in the medical magazine “Cancer”, according to which the abuse of different types of drugs, marijuana in particular, significantly increases the risk of testicular cancer in men. ...
A children's book about marijuana was published in Spain
The popular Spanish prosaist Ricardo Cortes decided to make his input to educate children about the dangers of drugs. ...