Xinjiang police officers detected more than 1,000 drug-related crimes
Today, in Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region (XUAR), an extended session on drug situation in the region took place. During the session quite optimistic statistics were given, according to which the number of detected drug-related crimes is steadily growing....
CIA employees turned out to be drug dealers
Recently it became known that on August 29, 2012, during a special complex operation, the Mexican drug control services arrested two CIA operatives. According to the official U.S. version, they were dealing with the drug trafficking control across the US-Mexican border....
Drug-related TV Series among top popular in the US
According to the Channel AMC leadership data, multi serial drama on drugs ‘the Breaking Bad’ had about 3.5 million views on the 5th season premiere day....
Centers replacing “rooms for injections” are opening in France.
The pilot project starts in Toulouse, France, within the framework of which two centers “Intermed” were opened where drug addicts can get help,. It is remarkable that both organizations locate in the most center of historical part of the city. ...
Cartoon about drug addict Obama has been produced in Taiwan.
Taiwan animators decided to amaze society by new animated product: they released a cartoon the storyline of which is based on US President Barack Obama’s biography. In the cartoon drug addict Obama uses drugs with friends. ...
Anti-drug campaign via newspaper cards starts in USA
San-Diego Police Department with anti-drug service are developing a new way of preventive measures of not involving citizens to drug business. From now on cards explaining to readers the danger and illegality of drug selling, will take place in newspapers of neighboring Mexico. ...
Getting rid of the addiction in a live television broadcast
The correspondents of "Komsomolka" had a chance to talk to the participants and the organizers of the brand-new project reality show «Doctor Life», which would host eight participants from around the world. ...
Consignment of cannabis amounting to $1 million has been arrested in USA
The policemen of Los-Angeles Sheriff’s Department arrested two suspicious men at one of the city subway stations. However, peace-officers even couldn’t imagine success that they got. ...
Evgeny Brun: Laughing gas will soon replace desomorphine.
New type of drug addiction, inhaling nitrous oxide N2O, is gaining popularity after the free sale of codeine containing substances was banned in Russia June 1st, 2012. ...
Egypt: 70-year-old woman tips off the police about drug dealers
DEA police officers of Giza city had recently expressed their gratitude to the 70-year-old woman for helping them to capture drug traffickers ...