Head of a large division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration - SAMHSA (USA), Robert Lubran, has become the scientific expert
Robert Lubran, Director of the Division of Pharmacologic Therapies of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration - SAMHSA (USA), has acceded to participate as a scientific expert....
Austria's Drug Enforcement Department has supported the ideas of the International project “Maya”.
We are proud to announce that more and more governmental bodies from all over the world are expressing their solidarity with the anti-drug “Maya” project....
Active light drug legalization supporter, Mark Emery, will answer the questions of the “Maya” project participants.
Marc Emery, a famous activist from Canada who fights for the legalization of the cannabis, has acceded to be one of the experts of out project....
Women of whole world supported ideas of project “Maya”
International women’s internet portal “Women’s planet» supported project “Maya” by posting on their web portal www.womenspla.net detailed information about this project....
The Oscar-winning actress and social activist Charlize Theron: "Now we are a team!"
We are pleased to announce that the Transnational Anti-Drug Maya" projects list of celebrities, who have expressed their active position against drug addiction, is updated. ...
The Australian Government supports Transnational Anti-Drug Сontest “Maya”
Recently the Organizing Committee of the Transnational Anti-Drug Internet contest “Maya” received a letter from Australian Government. The Prime Minister Julia Gillard welcomed the idea of contest “Maya” and expressed the willingness to support the development of our project in Australia....
Outstanding scientists and Nobel Prize winners supported project "Maya"
Recently outstanding scientists such as Oliver Smithies (Nobel prize in physiology and medicine, USA), Robert Grubbs (Nobel prize in Chemistry, USA) and Konstantin Novoselov (Nobel prize in physics, Russia) supported our anti-drug contest “Maya”. In their letters scientists expressed their delight about humanistic purpose of activities realized by World League “Mind free of drugs”, including world-wide popularization of anti-drug contest “Maya”.
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Ask our experts any questios you are interested in
We are glad to inform you that experts’ team of our project was enlarged by joining of outstanding minds and experienced specialists of world science who have made invaluable contribution in society development....
Web portal of rastaman films and books uploaded participants' photos of “Maya” contest on their web site
Recently, web portal of rastaman films and books cannabis.alfamoon.com joined the group of organizations that supported our transnational project. The administration of web portal uploaded more than 40 photographs that were previously sent by participants of internet contest “Maya”....
One more star has fallen
Famous American singer and actress Whitney Elizabeth Houston has died this Saturday at 48 years old...