The Government of the Netherlands supports the idea of the anti-drug project "Maya"
Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport of the Netherlands welcomed the idea of project "Maya" and stated the importance of the international anti-drug struggle, waged by the World League "Mind out of Drugs"...
Japanese show business is aware of the drug abuse issue
Ms. Takako Hotta, a successful model and actress, representative of the Japanese and international show business, supported the idea of "Maya" project and will be glad to assist in promoting our ideas in Japan...
Upper Austria is with us against drug abuse!
Member of the county state government of Upper Austria and the head of the Department of Education, Science and Research, Department of Women and Youth, Doris Hummer is ready to assist in promoting our anti-drug ideas...
Writers' Union of Alabama ( USA) has given informational support to the “Maya” project.
Representatives of Writers’ Union of Alabama and Society of Writers and Illustrators of Children’s books (USA) expressed their support to the ideas of Transnational online-project “Maya”...
Criminal liability will be imposed for drug abuse in Russia
Russian parliamentarians and experts support the proposal of the Federal Service for Drug Control of the Russian Federation to criminalize drug abuse. However, some of them believe that the bill still requires modifications...
The Anti Drug Agency of Madrid has joined the “Maya” anti-drug project
We are proud to announce that the Anti Drug Agency of Madrid – the highest authority of the Madrid province in this field, has joined the anti drug movement of the “Maya” project....
Japanese spiritual guru joined our “Experts” group.
Japanese spiritual guru, a yogi and owner of the yoga schools, Oyama Kohei, supported project "Maya" and expressed his willingness not only to provide informational support, but also to become an official expert of our competition...
Inventor of Red Bull, Chaleo Yoovidhya, dies on Saturday in Thailand.
Millioneer from Thailand Chaleo Yoovidhya dies at the age of 89 on Saturday, reports Associated Press citing local media...
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNDP) supports “ Maya” contest
“Maya” project gets more and more supporters every day. Recenty Youth branch of United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime voiced it’s support to Maya Project and thanked the project team for taking part in the lives of young people...
Christian religious society of South Korea are in the fight against drugs.
It is good to know that representatives of religious confessions of different countries actively respond to our calling to support the anti drug movement "Maya"...