Recently outstanding scientists such as Oliver Smithies (Nobel prize in physiology and medicine, USA), Robert Grubbs (Nobel prize in Chemistry, USA) and Konstantin Novoselov (Nobel prize in physics, Russia) supported our anti-drug contest “Maya”. In their letters scientists expressed their delight about humanistic purpose of activities realized by World League “Mind free of drugs”, including world-wide popularization of anti-drug contest “Maya”.
Professor Novoselov expressed active position of person who is concerned about healthy future of young generation: "I discourage drug addiction in any form. Fortunately, I had no experience of drug usage. It is a global problem of modern society. I express my total solidarity with the idea of transnational anti-drug Internet project "Maya". I wish you success in this difficult struggle!
The support of project’s ideas by such outstanding individuals is very important for our team. We believe, by uniting our efforts we will be able to eliminate drug-abuse from society.