Online promotion of drug addiction will be punished by two years of imprisonment.
"We propose to criminalize illegal hidden (veiled) promotion and open advertising of drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors in the Internet. Maximum penalty we suggest is two years in prison, "- said head of the committee, Irina Yarovaya....
The volume of drug trafficking through the territory of Kyrgyzstan is estimated at $ 6 billion
In a recent publication of the "Rosskiyskaya Gazeta" journalists investigated growing problem of drug trafficking from Afghanistan...
The siege of the "The City Without Drugs"
Existence of the foundation headed by businessman and former State Duma deputy,Yevgeny Roizman, is under the question...
"Dead" drug lord caught at his wedding
"Resurrected" Colombian drug lord was caught a few days ago at his wedding on the island of Mukuro (Caribbean)....
Addicts 'hijacked' mice in order to buy a dose
In St. Charles, Missouri (USA), two drug addicts stole a truck with about 2,000 mice....
Airplane with a ton of cocaine crashed in Central America
It turns out that even a plane crash may be helpful. Recent crash of a small private plane near the city of Tegucigalpa...
International Day Against Drug Abuse in China
26 June, which is International Day Against Drug Abuse, four people earlier sentenced to death were executed ....
Tajik famuly "flooded" several regions of Tatarstan with drugs.
A number of major drug-related crimes were uncovered in Tatarstan during the raid carried out under the "Mac" operation. ...
Party people lose interest in “legal highs”.
New study by Lancaster University (UK), Kings Health Partners and the Social Fund, St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust reports that party people are no longer interested in legal drugs....
Venezuela seized a record amount of cocaine
Police managed to catch 20 tons of drugs, reports Minister of Internal Affairs, Tarek El Aissa....