Being a mother is fearful. Every day you fight with things that are harmful for your kid. Every day you are seeking for things that will make your kid’s life easier without cold, pain and hunger.
But it is more terrified being a mother of drug addict. It is not only a fight to make your kid the happiest one. It is every day battle in order your child can survive, in order your child can understand the consequences of drug using, in order he can drop his addictions, in order he can look on world differently. To look as he was a baby when everything was bloomy and bright, when he didn’t need a drug in order to be happy, when you were happy the whole day, but not during the only short minutes after which hellish pain comes…
What mother can abandon her child? What mother can betray her sick child? She will aspire to save him by all means, she will treat him spending last savings, she will talk to him for hours showing the photos of putrescible addicts in order to effect on her child somehow. And she blame herself in all life ills. She missed a trick, she missed that crucial moment…
Mothers suffer about their sweethearts, their little babies feel that pain, about their misunderstanding of drug’s danger. Mother suffer too when their sweethearts, little babies have the shakings, when they cry out, mothers want to cry too. But mothers can’t do that. Mothers don’t have a right for that. Mothers should be strong…
Why, why children don’t think about their gentle mothers? Why they don’t think about the danger when they begin to use marijuana or heroin? Why they don’t think that mothers will suffer more than they will, that mothers will take all that kid pain in order to care it with them only their kids won’t cry?
You have to love your mother. You have to love her whole-hearted. To find in them own balm, own happiness and cheer. And may be therefore drugs will become secure, will lose its terrified power, because love for your mother will pass over any dirt. May be there will be found a power in kid soul, always kid for moms, to make a smile of your precious person, not making him cry…
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