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Real alternative: Meditation according to the system of integral yoga of Sri Aurobindo
Anciently, the meditation practices occupied the important place in the medical culture of eastern people. Meditation salved the soul; it was used as powerful auxiliary means for restoration of human physical ability.
The goal of modern psychotherapeutic trend of medicine based on the system of integral yoga of Sri Aurobindo is ensure stabilization and equilibrium of psychics and via the state of silence to lead human being to the state of stable psychological balance. Meditation is one of the ways to train and strengthen the consciousness. The method of self-regulation, governing the attention in order to modify psychical processes toward balance, harmony and integration. The integration means the movement process toward integrity of human consciousness, the elements of which keep painful, problematic situations, emotions and experiences in the subconscious mind. In this case, the integration means “conciliation” of conflict elements of consciousness and their confluence to the integrity of higher and harmonic order.
Integral yoga based on the system of Sri Aurobindo leads to the perception of impartible unity of all outdoor and kindly, lovingly perception of life in all its variety. His system of integral yoga leads the physical consciousness at the level of cosmic consciousness, which opens the horizons of self-improvement and acquiring of new world outlook.
State of expanded consciousness feels like unlimited Harmony, Love and Gladness. For the achievement of such state, the meditation shall be carried out in lonely, quiet place, in order to avoid any distractions. For successful meditation, it is necessary to acquire calm, imperturbable attitude to everything. Relax pose, nut hindhead, spinal column, resurrection bone shall be along one line. The facial muscles and thoracic girdle shall be relaxed. In the process of effect to the consciousness, it is very important to relax the upper torso, allowing energy freely circulating across whole body. There are many technical particularities, but their tiny details can be studied only in the process of work with psychotherapeutist-instrucor.
Under the expanded state of consciousness, the filling of psychics with energy takes place, when something that “sleeping in us” is discovered. Our possibilities of new sanative perceptions are also opened. In the expanded consciousness, the painful negative is dissolved and powerful energy is returned into the space of consciousness.
All these aspect help to withstand to the narcotic temptation press. Human being, who starts to meditate, becomes completely free from obsessional ideas “to try to use drugs”. He sees the new horizons of self-development, where that is no place for the other unhealthy predilections. Those people, who try to leave the drugs way, wrest out from this morass, the integral meditation based on the system of Sri Aurobindo helps to acquire the mental power and understand that life without drugs is brightly and positively.
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