Although in modern society drug abuse is called the disease, this disease is not exactly typical. It entails the total destruction of man as an individual and as a biological organism. If we combine all the aspects in which drug leaves its trace, we can conclude that it is a biological and psychological, social and spiritual disease.
The most dangerous thing here, as in any disease, is the late "diagnosis." A person who began using drugs realizes too late that he is dependent. Often, it is when there is no turning back. Sometimes it's six months, sometimes a couple of months, and in some cases after the first injection. The outcome of all the dependencies are usually not very different. It's either jail or death, and only 5 or 10% of healing in specialized clinics.
The definition of a drug can be taken in three aspects: medical, social, and legal. From the point of view of medicine it is a substance that influences on the specific mental processes of the body (as a stimulant, hallucinogen, depressant, etc.). From a social point of view, this is a non-medical use of such substances on a large scale, the consequences of which become social significance. The substance is considered to be narcotic, if it is recognized as a drug and it is on the list of drugs of the Health Ministry of Russian Federation.
All these aspects are intimately linked, and any substance can be recognized as a drug with the unity of these three factors in its description.
Unfortunately, on Earth there are many stereotypes that are not only misleading people about the negative effect of all drugs, but also to some extent, stimulate interest in drugs. These false statements are born in the imagination of the contemporary writers and stage managers, bloggers and just propagators who advocate of drug culture of illusion.
Thus, one of the favorite claims of today's youth convinces people that life is short and you need to have time to try everything at least once. However, it dodesn't work the same with drugs. Units of the thousands of those who tried drugs stopped after one try. And then – a disaster. Man falls under the total control of the drug and eventually self-destruction begins.
Another hackneyed fallacy - is the claim that the drugs make life brighter by eliminating the problem. However, the problems only grow like a snowball. At first it seems - I'll take it once, to avoid problems ... But, on the third or fourth time you realize that you could not stop after trying once, but it's already too late.
The cycle begins: woke up - went to look for money to get the dose, found the money – went to buy the dose, then found a place where you can get an injection, took the injection- went to bed. The circle clams up ...
Many people think that drugs are able to solve problems. However, this "solution" is temporary. Dulled sense of anxiety, the future looks carefree and everything that oppresses, goes to the background. But right after the "kumar" passes, not only all the problems that are often at this time even more serious, but also feelings of guilt and fear exacerbate that the "passion" will be discovered. Man drives himself at an impasse.
The postulate of the safety of soft drugs has also an extremely negative impact on the drug situation, as the influx of getting into "new recruits" in the ranks of drug addicts, speaks to the first step leading to the dark dungeon of drug addiction. The dependency can be caused by any drug, no matter to what kinds it is referred to, even if it is not physical but psychological dependence. However, it is not clear which is worse.
Legalization of drugs in any country – is a very controversial topic. Thus, legalization of marijuana will not reduce the crime situation, as hemp is already not very expensive, the legalization of various stimulants on the contrary, could encourage crime, since under their influence a person loses control of himself in search of adventure, he becomes aggressive. The situation is similar with the drowsy-opiate drugs, but they cause even more aggression and a desire to kill. In Sweden, an attempt to such legalization failed after 2 years.
Legalized hallucinogens has no impact on anything, since they do not cause a pronounced dependence and no crime has been committed for them. Simplifying the access to opiates will do just the opposite – it will increase the poverty rate and the amount of crimes committed for "dose". More precisely, first there will be not much of crime, however, when the number of opium addicts will expand due to the extremely easy addiction, crime rate will rise to unprecedented heights.
Drug policy - is something very difficult, because there are many factors that affect the decision-making in this area. Unfortunately, not always possible to take into account all aspects. That is why, public often criticize the inadequate laws, without examining thoroughly the essence of the problem.
The main argument of many advocates for the liberalization of drug laws is that using or not using drugs – is a purely private matter. However, it is not so!
Drug addiction has too many social and criminal consequences to let this issue in a democratic direction of freedom of choice. A strict control by the state should always be present, given that the population itself is not able to withstand the onslaught of a narcotic. Crime, poverty, orphans, AIDS ... All of this - are drugs. Their true face.
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