We can indicate an excess of highly negative tendencies in the contemporary society. There is no reason to be doubt about the increasing numbers of murders and violence from year to year. In addition to this, we constantly hear about the brutality and exploitation, both in the families and in the society, and that more and more young people become addicted to drugs and alcohol. Every single person living in a society prone to such influences. Drug addiction among young Tibetans, simply did not exist a generation ago, and now there are such cases. But I must say, it mainly happened where young people were faced with the modern urban life.
Achievements in science and technology gave the mankind a lot of advantages, but we have to pay for all of it. In my opinion, drug addiction – is a disease of a modernized society, and to resist it, we all need to cultivate a habit of self-discipline. I do not argue that it is not a difficult task, but we are at least familiar with its basics. Knowing the danger of such activity, we do not allow ourselves and our children to use drugs. However, meaningless ban will not take any action, the most important thing here - is to understand the destructive nature of addiction. I want people to learn to distinguish between the transient happiness and the happiness that lasts much longer, to distinguish between the ephemeral and true happiness.
Drugs that people use to indulge their immediate sensual desires, cause even more trouble. One should be aware that it is impossible to hope for an opportunity to delight your senses constantly. One of the writers of ancient India, said: "Indulgence of sense impression is like drinking a salted water: the more we do it, the greater becomes the desire and lust."
It is also useful to think about the harm we are doing to ourselves and others, when we yield to the temptation. For example, let us suppose that one of the family members addicted to drugs. Yes, other family members will not suffer from the direct physical and mental effects of the drug, but all in all, they will likely experience a deep sense of alarm and anxiety, besides, the situation may be accompanied by other problems and complications. Thus, our body and mind must be disciplined and we must always remember those who care about our welfare, and whose prosperity is closely linked to our own.
Yet, none of these problems, as opposed to illness, old age and death are not imminent in their nature. Therefore, I would like to say to the people who faced the temptations of the modern world, that they should never give up. Work hard, work on yourself, for the sake of peace in your heart, be compassionate to yourself, to your family and friends. Be careful with the precious life that is given to you and do not waste it in vain.
27.06.12, 13:26
I heard that the recitation of mantras - is like a drug? Is this true?
27.06.12, 12:24
What does the Buddhism suggests in order to fight drug addiction and alcoholism? What are its commandments on this account?
27.06.12, 10:23
I appologize for such a naive question, but still, why life is so cruel and has so many terrible things as drug addiction? Can't the God see it all?
27.06.12, 09:27
Can you treat a drug addicted person? At least mentally?
27.06.12, 07:38
I think it would make sense to legalize soft drugs and to establish a Ministry of drug tourism in Latin America. I know it sounds utopian, but if the government will take it all under control, it can get quite big profits from the tourists coming in, to smoke marijuana.
27.06.12, 06:58
Drug addicts must be punished severely, so that others will be afraid of drug abuse. I like the policies of our country. We should even strengthen the measures in this direction.
26.06.12, 17:00
I wonder what about the drug situation in Tibet? I do not find reliable information about it there. I understand that I will not get an answer, but I think that situation there is not as simple as we are told!
26.06.12, 16:55
Thank you for the kind words! Your light illuminates our path and your blessings help to live!
26.06.12, 16:38
Secular and religious points of view on many things are very different. Here we see another example. The Netherlands is famous for its laws on drugs, which work fine. And religion here is not involved in this in any way. Maybe we should still separate these two "power" institutions?
26.06.12, 16:37
I wonder why your other "colleagues" - leaders of other religions- have not given such an explanation of their thoughts? Surely, organizers asked them to do the same ... I do not blame anybody, just maybe, they have nothing to say ...
26.06.12, 16:30
I think everyone who is fighting for the development of drug prevention on the earth, need to talk more about this in public, they should do more. Speaking about this issue once in a year is useless.
26.06.12, 14:26
I urge all who can hear me, to live every moment of your life as you wish, so that you have something to remember. Without this, what is the point of living? People should not merely exist like trees or stones, we should LIVE.
26.06.12, 14:25
"Thus, our body and mind must be disciplined and we must always remember those who care about our welfare, and whose prosperity is closely linked to our own." Correct, it is the right phrase, but you must understand that respect to family values and elderly people is part of the eastern mentality only. But what about the West, where the education of self-reliance in children is at the head of the corner? It seems to me that the world will never come to a universal solution for everybody!
26.06.12, 14:21
I agree with the previous speaker! If the drug trade is one of the most businesses in the criminal worldt, then the fight against drug trafficking must be the most profitable as well!Fighters should have a good salary and passing a rigorous pre-selection. I think that this will improve results of their work significantly.
26.06.12, 14:14
A lot of beautiful words, a lot of appeals. However, it would be interesting to listen to those who are directly, so to speak, on the ground and in the regions of each country fighting with drug addiction. It is a very hard job, that not everyone can handle. Especially in the Third World countries - risking your life for a penny! Pay attention to this!
26.06.12, 14:12
In your speech, you say that every man sooner or later will taste death, however, can people who use drugs and cut their lifes this way be forgiven? I understand that the religion must be humane, but it is necessary to leave some space for logic!
26.06.12, 14:10
Here on this web site you have gathered the leaders, who, in your opinion, are the most active fighters with drug addiction. However, I am sure that none of them had never met each other, and of course thet have never discussed this issue togather. Online manifest is a great idea, but real actions in real world should also be carried out.
26.06.12, 14:03
China - the real country-leader in the world. It is unlikely that any other country will reach such level of power in near future.It seems to me that it is necessary to adopt not only Chinese methods of economic management, but also the methods of dealing with drug addiction.
26.06.12, 12:59
The representative of the local Buddhist religious community once said that crime and drug addiction - are product of people themselves, even of those who are struggling with this. I Do not quite understand what he meant, but I think that without those who are fighting against crime and drugs, catastrophe would have happened
26.06.12, 12:54
I believe that the strict measures Chinese government applies in relation to drug addicts and drug traffickers, are much more effective than mild suggestions of religious leaders about the dangers of drug abuse and the contradictions to confessions and principles. Religion, too, must be categorical about these things.
26.06.12, 12:32
Everything told by you is correct. It is nessessary to have more such calming sppeeches. People leaving on Earth need to calm down and understand that everything is in God's hands.
26.06.12, 11:52
You say that "Indulgence of sense impression is like drinking a salted water: the more we do it, the greater becomes the desire and lust". But do not you think that these promises to adhere to austerity and abstinence in our times, especially among young people, will not be popular? Society is corrupted and preverted, everyone tries to get pleasure. May be religion should find other ways ? You can not achieve set gaols by acting directly, you have to be smarter.
26.06.12, 11:39
Religious leaders, especially of such high rank as you are, often say that all is done on God's will, that if person is suffering, then he deserves this. So what is the point of fighting against drug addicts? Shouldn't they be just left alone? Personally, I would suggest something like a reservation, with everything needed to addicts there ( houses, food and etc.)