Today, July 12th 2012, results and 10 winners of the contest for the best question which took place on the web portal of MayaPlanet project have been announced. World League “Mind Free of Drugs” congratulates winners and wishes them good luck in future!
Below is the list of 10 winners Facebook, Twitter and MayaPlanet webportal´s users have chosen.
His Holiness Dalai Lama XIV
His Holiness Dalai Lama XIV
The spiritual leader of Buddhists
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
The supreme leader of Iran
Beatrix Wilhelmina Armgard
Beatrix Wilhelmina Armgard
The Queen of the Netherlands
Julia Gillard
Julia Gillard
Prime minister of Australia
Alexander Karelin
Alexander Karelin
Deputy of the Russian Federation State Duma (Parliament) Multi-time World Champion in Greco-Roman wrestling
Empress Michiko
Empress Michiko
Empress of Japan
Diego Armando Maradona
Diego Armando Maradona
Argentine football player
Charlize Theron
Charlize Theron
American model and actress, Oscar winner
Hugo Chavez
Hugo Chavez
President of Venezuela
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Colombian writer, Nobel Prize winner in Literature in 1982
Fernando Alonso Dias
Fernando Alonso Dias
Spanish racing car-driver, two-time champion of Formula-1 World Series
Enrique Martin Morales a.k.a. Ricky Martin
Enrique Martin Morales a.k.a. Ricky Martin
Pop singer
Contest for the best anti-drug question:
10 best questions will be selected by open vote and directed to the recipients to whom they were addressed. Authors of the questions will receive valuable prizes
Ask question
Li Vei, Taiwan, China.
The problem of drug addiction is particularly acute nowadays. Perhaps the state should cooperate with religious organizations more to solve it?
Old Spice, España, La Coruña.
A Estados Unidos, principal país consumidor del mundo, con los monumentales controles que hoy día presentan, ingresa diariamente una tonelada de drogas proveniente del Tercer Mundo. ¿Cómo es ello posible?
Victor, Ukraine, Poltava.
The question is for Julia Gillard
The parallel may not be entirely appropriate, but drugs and crime are intertwined forever. At the time, Australia was the place of exile for prisoners. It seemed logical to think that this country would become some kind of reservation of banditry. However, this did not happen. Modern society of this country in no way resembles those terrible years.
Governor Lachlan Macquarie, defender of freed convicts, said: "The person coming to freedom, should never be reminded of his criminal past, and should never be blamed for it; people need to give him the feeling that he is a full-fledged member of society who have redeemed his mistaked by exemplary behavior." Macquarie backed up his words with deeds, he has allocated plots of land for freed prisoners, and gave them some prisoners to help in the field and on the farm.
Over time, many industrious and enterprising ex-convicts became wealthy and respected, and in some cases, even famous people. For example, Samuel Lightfoot have founded Hobart hospital in Sydney. William Redfern was universally respected physician, and Francis Greenway Australians has contributed to building architectural buildings in Sydney and its suburbs.
The question is: is it possible in today's world, to find a suitable area, and to organize an international anti-drug settlement, supervised by world leaders? After all, if this initiative is successful, it will demonstrate that healing is possible and well as full rehabilitation.
Tanaka, Japan, Kioto.
The question is for His Holiness Dalai Lama XIV
In today's world, most young people use drugs ... How to convince young people that drug addiction has only negative consequences?
Vladimir Ilyin, Ukraine, Sevastopol.
The question is for Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Did you try drugs in order to achieve creative inspiration? How do you feel about people of art who use drugs in the creative process? Is it possible to understand the difference between a work created from the natural creativity from the creativity of "overclocked" by drugs?
Brett, USA.
The question is for Julia Gillard
Millions of people around the world smoke. And smoking today is acceptable, unlike for example using cocaine. Don't you think that smoking should be illegal everywhere?
Eugene, Russia, St. Petersburg.
The question is for Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Most people remember the greatest moments of their lives, or the saddest ... Think of the most striking moment of your life, wouldn´t you want to strengthen your senses at this moment with drugs (or at lead with alchogol)? Remember the sad or exciting moment of your life, would you wantto take away the pain with drugs or, at least, cigarettes ...?
Умутбек, Кыргызстан (Киргизия), Бишкек.
Как не прискорбно в данное время социум очень "жесток", то что приводит более "слабых" людей с моралью и более эмоциональных к понижению самооценки, что приводит к депрессии. Далее следует "Наркотиками я могу забыться на время" - по мировой тенденций морали. Кто виноват?
Hal Jenner, Canada, Ottawa.
The question is for His Holiness Dalai Lama XIV
How much do you see faith in God as being a part of the recovery of alcoholics? Should we avoid all alcohol, even in foods, or is it okay to use it in moderation.
Татьяна , Россия, Санкт-Петербург.
Уважаемая Валентина Ивановна, Вы - обладатель Ордена святого мученика Трифона (за большой личный вклад в борьбу с наркоманией, алкоголизмом и другими вредоносными явлениями).
После его вручения, Вы предложили активизировать «работу Церкви и государства для мобилизации всех государственных и общественных объединений в борьбе с наркоманией и наркобизнесом». С тех пор прошло 11 лет. Можете ли похвастаться успехами?
Санал, Тюмень, Россия.
Как Вы оцениваете роль масс-медиа, в том числе Интернет, в формировании приоритетов у молодежи? Почему вместо познавательных и развивающих программ доминируют шоу, культивирующие вседозволенность и распущенность?
ماريا شاهين, الاردن.
The question is for Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
في آسيا الوسطى، الاسلام هو الديانة السائدة. القرآن الكريم يحتوي على حظر عام على استخدام كل مسكر، والتي بموجبها تحريم جميع أنواع المشروبات الكحولية والمخدرات. ويحرم الاسلام بشدة كل ما يضر الجسم البشري. قال تعالى: ((يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِين َآمَنُوا لا تَأْكُلُوا أَمْوَالَكُم ْبَيْنَكُم ْبِالْبَاطِل ِإِلا َّأَن ْتَكُون َتِجَارَة ًعَنْ تَرَاضٍ مِنْكُم ْوَلا تَقْتُلُوا أَنفُسَكُم ْإِنَّ اللَّه َكَان َبِكُم ْرَحِيماً)) ...( النساء:29). فلماذا تتأثر بلدان آسيا الوسطى بشكل كبير بالمخدرات ؟
William Stevens, USA.
Recent studies reveal that more and more babies addicted to prescription painkillers are born (every third child in USA). In your opinion how should the State react and what measures need to be taken?
Mark Fischner, Germany.
The question is for His Holiness Dalai Lama XIV
Can Buddhism cure drug addiction? AND HOW?
Ahmed, Russia, Stavropol.
The question is for Gabriel Garcia Marquez
What, in your opinion, is deviant in the primary sequence of "drug addiction - crime"? Disease or a tendency to criminal behavior?
Алиса Бабичева, Россия, Новосибирск..
Доброго Вам времени суток!
Имеет ли борьба с наркотиками смысл, если они легкодоступны? Если бы мне захотелось попробовать, то все, что нужно было бы мне для покупки - это определенная денежная сумма и сотовый телефон. А номер торговца можно узнать, дойдя до какого-нибудь забора. Я часто вижу надписи "Spiсe", "Курительные смеси, соль. Звоните" просто на стенах домов.
Их иногда замазывают, но они все равно появляются то тут, то там.
Какие меры можно принять для решения этой проблемы?
Stephanie LaPlante, Canada, Hamilton.
Why is the world so focused on marijuana when people are dying everyday by taking prescription medication? Why aren't steps being taken to moniter people who are abusing?
Саша Волков, Россия - Столица.
Вот США ученые научились распознавать курительные смеси и соли для ванн (тоже наркотики), в Шотландии от кокаиновой зависимости вакцину изобретают. А наши ученые работают над какими-нибудь проектами? Отторжение организмом героина, например.
Brian Campbell, Richmond, VA.
The question is for Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
Iran has very strict laws about what happens to people who sell and use illicit drugs, and it still happens. Have other approaches been tried besides punshing people who use and sell drugs? What has proven effective over time?
Manolito Gafotas, Madrid .
The question is for His Holiness Dalai Lama XIV
Why is international law important in the fight against drugs?
Illarion, Russia, Armavir.
The question is for Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Today people talk that more and more that drug use is a kind of control lever of the third world countries. Are you agree with this?
Nina, Russia, Saratov.
Don't you think that what is happening in Russia now - is a narcotic genocide?
Luc, France, Antony .
The question is for Charlize Theron
What are the risks if neighbors grow hemp? What would be the penalties if this is not reported to police?
Rudolf , Netherlands.
drug abuse and addiction remains one of the worlds greatest problems. People are being hooked in greater numbers and at younger ages than ever before. We live in a materialistic throw away society that doesn’t provide enough nurturing or encourage responsibility for ones actions. Health budgets and care institutions continue to be stretched to breaking point and still the problem worsens.How should we fight with this? Have you any ideas?
Laure , Suisse, Berne .
The question is for His Holiness Dalai Lama XIV
In your opinion what is the main reason why people start using drugs?
Владимир, Россия, Волоколамск.
По данным Федеральной службы по контролю за оборотом наркотиков, рядом с нами живет, как минимум, несколько миллионов наркозависимых. Соседство опасное — в год они совершают около 150 000 преступлений. Лечить или не лечить, а если лечить, то как — принудительно или добровольно?
Honda Kei, Yokohama .
The question is for Charlize Theron
How to protect future generations from the problem of drug addiction?
Сергей Ли, Россия, Владивосток.
The question is for Julia Gillard
Уважаемая госпожа Гиллард, дайте краткую справку в ответе на вопрос – произрастают ли на территории Австралии наркосодержащие растения? Или все же большинство наркотиков у вас в стране привозные? Ведь Австралия – обособленный континент и вполне возможно, что в плане наркотической фауны здесь тоже все иначе.
Armelle, France, Nice.
The question is for Hugo Chavez
Quelles sont les recherches en psychologie sur les drogues dans votre pays?
John Snow, USA. Keene.
The question is for Gabriel Garcia Marquez
How is a parent to know if their teen is experimenting with or moving more deeply into the drug culture?
Алёна Казакова, Россия, Арсеньев.
Здравствуйте! Имея достаточно богатый опыт волонтерской деятельности в сфере профилактики наркомании и деструктивных воздействий среди школьников среднего и старшего звена, часто сталкиваюсь с противоречием: учителя в школе делятся на 2 "лагеря". Одни считают, что информирование детей по данному вопросу необходимо, другие же - что это излишне и в очередной раз привлекает внимание школьников к наркотикам, провоцируя подростков.
А какого мнения придерживаетесь Вы? Буду благодарна, если поможете разобраться с данным вопросом!
ماريا شاهين, الاردن.
The question is for Charlize Theron
في مجال مكافحة الإدمان والوقاية منه يتم إهدار الكثير من المال والوقت، ولكن الأفلام مع الجوانب الإيجابية لتعاطي المخدرات لا تزال تنتج على ما يبدو. هل تعتقد بوجوب منع موضوع المخدرات في الافلام العادية، لأنها لا تحتوي على تفاصيل كاملة عن المخاطر والعواقب
Василий, Россия, Севастополь.
The question is for His Holiness Dalai Lama XIV
Здравствуйте! Борьба с чем либо, например, с наркотизацией человечества, может продолжаться вечно, или "до последнего бойца". Не целесообразнее ли бороться, вкладывая огромные силы и средства не ПРОТИВ наркотиков, а ЗА трезвый образ жизни?
Urmas Porinikus, Estonia.
The question is for Hugo Chavez
Mr. President! You held a very responsible position in such a "hot" region in terms of drugs. Can you tell whether you're a supporter of the power method for solving the drug problem, or you beleive in the existence of social anti-drug programs, and other humane methods of prevention? What arguments can you give in support of your position?