According to statistics, in 2011, more young people in USA preferred smoking pot to cigarettes.
Initiative to legalize marihuana use is already on the ballot in Washington. It also might be approved in Nebraska and Massachusetts. There is no prove that Barak Obamas’ pre-election staff is behind this initiative, but democrats hope that it will bring them votes of the young people.
Previous attempts to draw young people to democrats' side have failed mostly because dope smokers are not the ones who are likely to come to fill in the ballot.
In 2012, Proposition 19 legalizing marihuana was raised in California. Exit-poll results showed that the turnout of young people did not increase much and marihuana legalization was a key issue only for 1 out of 10 voters. However, it was found out that 64% of voters were of 19-24 years old and 52% of 25-29 years old people supported legalization of this drug.
Considering this, it would be logical to assume that such initiatives in unsettled states might be a closing argument in pre-election race. Currently marihuana legalizing initiative are being considered in Colorado, Ohio and Michigan. According to experts only in first and last states Obama has chances to raise the turnout of your people.