The Rigoberta Menchú Tum Foundation supports the "Maya" project. The Rigoberta Menchú Tum foundation was established by the Peace Nobel Prize with the same name, and it is internationally recognized in its fight for the human rights, for the peace and indigineus people´s equality.
"Although we have different main goals, we can not achieve them without each other. There will be no peace in the world while the drugs keep on poisoning our world and while our children will have their minds obscured by the narcotic illusions. But the drug addiction can not be erradicated either without peace, external and internal, for the spiritual turbulences are the ones that lead to the perdition that the drugs are. With all our hearts we are with you, and we hope that together we will be able to create a peaceful world without drugs!"
The "Maya" project team is pleased with the participation of internationally recognized organizations, and it hopes the this cooperation will be long and full of positive results.