MayaPlanet: The world against drug addiction. Participants share their thoughts about contest.
Participants of Transnational contest MayaPlanet answered several questions and have told about their motivations that impelled them to make a contribution to fight against drug addiction throughout the world.
1. Have you ever faced the problem of drug addiction? Tell about it.
2. Why did you decide to take a part in contest?
3. What does MayaPlanet contest mean for you?
Sophia Egorova, Russia
Category: Drawing
1. I have never talked to people who use drugs - at least, hard drugs. I am always surprised about medical statistics - it seems like the crowd of drug addicts should walk along the streets, but I have never communicated with people with such problems; but from my relatives, physicians, especially from my sister who treats drug addicts, I have heard a lot of stories, that make me think - What happens in the mind of people who have chosen this way? What is this - an escape from the unbearable conditions of life or entertainment, turned into a nightmare? What differentiates them from those who even in the most difficult situations are not willing to waste money and health for a few minutes of oblivion? I do not know how to explain this, even their own words cannot explain it.
2. I'm probably one of those artists who think that "the world can be changed with the help of one poster." But no – cannot be changed, however, due to the positive creative activities of many people - it is possible at some extent. I wanted to share my perception of this problem and see what other people feel, expressing it through drawings and texts. Problems are not solved by themselves only by talkings and pictures, but it attracts attention of many people, makes you think.
3. I believe that creativity gives much more buzz than any of the substances. Salvador Dali warned artists from drugs - while his imagination was incredibly rich without any "dope." I am sure that a few of contest participants- I mean, at least, those who work on art, posters, photos, etc. – have ever used hard drugs, most likely – no one. However, they convey their vision of addicted person, create an image that it's hard to want to be associated with, on the other hand , they offer options for a happy, creative reality, the owner of which is you yourself, but not a chemical. Such competitions allow to percept the problem in creative way, because the images speak louder than words and the words of a man who experienced something terrible, his personal experience is much clearer than a medical text ... It's not root out the problem of addiction, but probably make someone think and “tick the right boxes”.
Arman Jenikeev, Russia
Category: Photo
1. All my growing-up years took place in the 1990s, when in the country there was a rampancy of gangster mayhem. Junior environment and my classmates, neighboring guys, 80% of them were wracked by drug addiction. All were smoking marijuana, and after many of them switched to harder drugs. At the moment from 15-17 of my classmates (males) about 4-5 have died, it is one third! The cause of their death is overdose from heroin or "hank". I have never been interested in drugs, tried marijuana, but not been drop into. However, I have been a witness of how my yesterday's friends and acquaintances’ personalities were changing.
2. Why did I decide to take part in the competition? The answer is, probably, in the first question. This is one of the most important and almost intractable problems of modern society, which does not leave me indifferent. And since I have a few works, in my opinion, more or less reflecting this problem, I decided to share them.
3. Drug addiction, like any global problem needs attention, and the more this issue will be discussed, the better. In this regard, the competition may be one of the platforms that unite people affected by the topic.
Vincent Peal, Belgium
Category: Photo
1. Yes, a few years ago I had a problem with cocaine. I was in a musical band and during the concerts and tours I’ve been under the influence of «sex drugs & rock n roll» tendency. After the initial condition of euphoria I felt worse and worse, and I ended up in the emergency room, because I had serious heart problems.
Then I decided to go abroad to get away from it all, and that is where I started doing photo reports. Today, I am healthy and I continue to travel in order to discover the beauty and real life that pleases me a lot more than a false illusion of happiness from drugs.
2. I participate in the contest, because I want to show the harsh reality of drug addicts’ life in our modern society.
3. I am very interested in this contest, because the drug problem is actual for many people in my environment. The object and purpose of the contest are more than commendable.
Luis Adanero Donderis, France
Category: Photo
1. I have never had problems with drug addiction.
2. I like your website about drug addiction in the world. I think it leads people to degradation more and more and this is terrible. I wanted to express through my photography that the world of drug addicts is on the tip of the syringe, and around them is only total darkness.
3. The competition provides an opportunity to express the real problem through creativity
Arakava, Japan
Category: Drawing
1. No, I have never faced this problem.
2. I just wanted to paint an impressive picture on drug addiction topic. Information about your competition I found in the social networks.
3. I am very sorry for not being able to save a friend. This competition for me is a very important area, where I can express my feelings and to convey my thoughts to the people who suffer from drug addiction.
Jagub Hashim, Sudan
Category: Drawing
1. Thank God, neither I nor my family has ever faced the problem of drugs.
2. I have read so many stories about people who have committed suicide because of drugs. This is the reason of my participation in the competition Maya Planet. I hope that my participation in this contest somehow will affect those who are already taking the drugs and warn those who want to try it.
3. For me, this competition is important, as it is for every person in this world. The project has a global reach that is important to study the problem and find ways to eliminate it.
Shiki, Japan
Category: Drawing
1. No, I have not experienced it.
2. I was shocked to know that my favorite actor is using drugs.
3. I believe that this is my contribution to the fight against drugs. I've seen a lot of interesting work on your website. I think if each participant will take an active part in this competition, we will definitely triumph over addiction.
Jerome Dedyutsh, France
Category: Photo
1. No, but I know a lot of people who use drugs. Their "experience" is inspired me to show the effect of various drugs that they used.
2. I fully learned what great harm are drugs. It was very important to show the visual disturbances that may initially look quite attractive, but which over the time becomes an artificial reality. So, it becomes a major factor in the condition of drug addiction and it replaces a dull everyday life. This, in short, is an attempt to escape.
3. Maya Planet allows you to share a visual experience that everyone will be able to experience either directly or through the environment. This is an opportunity to demonstrate through the picture a horror of addiction.
Hiren Dave, India
Category: Video
1. No, I never ever faced the problem of drug addiction myself.
2. Myself I am experimental film maker/ Photographer and VFX artist…I always believe
that somehow creativity must use for development and education…apart from my work I
always try to contribute & producing materials for social issues. When I look
forward to the Internet I found your MayaPlanet competition, Drug Addiction is now a
days universal issue & we all need to raise our voice for this subject and spread
awareness... I believe that I had few things to share..
3. Apart from the competition, I will be more happy if we all find the way to
overcome with this issue…and we spread our message " STOP HARD DRUGS" with
education, motivation, Inspiration etc..I wish…After watching my artwork, even one
person stop taking drugs, it’s worth for me.
Calvin, USA
Category: Video
1. No, but at 7 years old my father died of drug abuse and currently my brother is a
recovering addict. I have lived with drug addicts my entire life.
2. I decided to take part in your contest because I want to show the world the truth
about addiction, and your contest had all the same qualities that I have for my
3. To me MayaPlanet is an organization dedicated to helping drug addiction, just the
organization that I want to be involved in.