On Sunday, Nestor Reverol, Minister of Venezuela foreign affairs reported about the latest results of their work to the mass media. Among other things, he said that from the beginning of this year, the police have detained 18 major drug lords, without the participation of the U.S. forces.
“Not a long time ago we renewed the agreements with Columbia, thanks to which we have improved the informational interaction with the neighboring country,” Nestor Reverol stated. “This cooperation allowed us to detain 18 lords of the large drugcartels only for the current year.”
According to the Minster of the interior the total number of the drug lords, caught by the Venezuela for the last 6 years was 93 people.
"A few days ago we handed over Daniel Barrera, nicknamed as Nuts, who is a legendary character in the world of drug business, to the Columbian police,” Nestor Reverol said. “Manuel Santos, the president of Columbia, called Barrera the last leader of Colombian drug mafia."
In addition, the minister emphasized that Venezuela doesn’t need any financial or advisory help from the United States in the fight against drug trafficking.