English daily online portal the “Guardian” has recently published the terrifying statistics: it turned out that for the last year 57 new kinds of synthetic drugs were created in the countries of European Union and were not put into the list of the ones prohibited for circulation.
The modern tendency towards the popularization of the “designed” drugs led to the fact that synthetic drugs became significantly popular in comparison with the drugs prohibitedat the black market, such as cocaine, ecstasy and drugs of the amphetamine group.
The major factor for the popularization of new kinds of psychotropic substances became the appearance of a large number of internet –stores, specializing on the drug sale all over the Europe. The number of these online outlets have increased in 4 times – from 170 to 693 for the last two years.
The organization, which is obliged to monitor the appearance of the new types of drugs, called "European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction” is located in Lisbon (Portugal). Thanks to the Centre’s work, the time from the moment of the appearance of this new drug till it was discovered and defined as the prohibited one has significantly reduced.