French experts in the field of drug addiction gave the positive evaluation for the opening of a specialized injection rooms at the territory of France, where addicts will be able to abuse drugs in a safe environment. Now, it depends on the Government’s approval.
This question has already been discussed in Europe for many years and has been under the consideration of the French Health Minister since 2010. Today, there are around 90 injection rooms in the whole world, which is extremely small compared to the number of addicts. In a case of the successful realization of the project in France, this initiative will be embedded in other countries.
Thus, Jean-Claude Gaudin, the mayor of Marcel (France), along with psychologists and narcologists are fighting for the opening of these centers, since only in accordance with unofficial statistics, his region counts more than 5 000 injecting addicts with AIDS and hepatitis A and B. One of the reasons for that is – the total insanitary in the places, where they have to use drugs, as well as the fear to open up their addict´s status due to the possible problems with authorities.
In support of his position, Jean-Claude Gaudin provides statistics, according to which in those regions, where there are rooms for injections with clean syringes and opportunity to treat the injection sites, the level of AIDS among drug addicts has significantly decreased, and hepatitis A and B have almost disappeared.