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Marijuana is a start of chronic drug addiction


Researches of the Yale School of Medicine have shown that overwhelmingly marijuana use becomes the first step towards the use of hard drugs.

The Yale study was first published in the Journal of Adolescent Health. The article said that alcohol, cigarettes and cannabis sharply increase the possibility of chronic drug addiction of young people aged 18-25.

“For many years researchers studied the correlation of marijuana and hard drugs. The data we received show that a large amount of people who became addicted to prescribed drugs, particularly, opiates, after they had used marijuana”, Lynn Flynn, the author of the research associate professor of medicine of the the Yale School of Medicine, comments.

Susanna Tang, psychiatrist at the Mental Health Center in Saint Vincent, Westport, says that she constantly faces drug addicts and she knows for sure that alcohol, cigarettes and soft drugs often lead to the use of hard drugs.

“If one starts using them, the situation can deteriorate very soon leading to addiction”, Tang says.

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