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An alcohol use record in France


The annual feast of Feria in the French city of Béziers, famous for its large-scale binge drinking contests ended up with a sort of anti-record. One of the participants was hospitalized with a fatal dose of alcohol - 7 g of spirits per one l of blood.

According to an emergency doctor, blood express test showed the presence of 7 g of spirits per one l of the patient’s blood provided that even 5 g per l is a fatal dose for a human being.

The patient’s friends called ambulance after he got a traumatic brain injury as the result of falling down caused by a sudden coma resulting from ethyl alcohol intoxication.

“This is the first case in my long medical practice when there is such amount of alcohol in a patient’s blood. Usually much less amount can lead to death”, the doctor says.

“We took the guy to the intensive care unit. They are still trying to resuscitate him”.

The feast’s visitors who use drugs find themselves in similar situations no less frequently. An overdose is a usual thing during such contests. Son, only during the first night of the event 22 cannabis, cocaine and ecstasy users were hospitalized. 

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