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The UN supports withdrawal of sanctions against injection drug users.


The UN Global Commission on HIV and the Law published its report calling all countries of the world to withdraw legal sanctions against injection drug users. According to the Commission, all governments must reform their approach to the legislation in this field. They believe it to be the most efficient way of struggle against the advance of the HIV epidemic.

“Instead of punishing people who use drugs, but bring no harm to the society, the government should give them a chance to be cured, to shake off their addiction,” the report says. “Free access to specialized medical services and organizations specializing in prophylaxis of HIV proliferation must be available. Programs of harm reduction and free voluntary treatment must be put into effect.”

The Commission also notes that the governments should cooperate with human right activists and leading experts in the field of religious law to keep traditions promoting respect to human rights and acceptance of individual freedoms.

The report emphasizes that the laws condemning and outlawing people Belonging to the HIV high risk group, labeling them as criminals, make them go underground, increasing their risk of becoming infected with HIV and depriving them of the access to healthcare.  

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