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Ecstasy use can deteriorate memory


Recently the Zavisimost [Addiction] monthly magazine published a research of German experts which proves negative effect of using ecstasy for human organism: the use of the drug can cause extremely negative consequences for human memory.  

Researchers of the University of Cologne in Germany studied only those people who had used ecstasy five or fewer times. It was done to avoid the deficiencies which had taken place during the previous similar studies. All 150 volunteers passed preliminary tests directed to detection of signs of mental deficits. Then a part of the participants continued to use the drug (in average, 33 pills per year), while the rest of them stopped using drugs completely.

The result of the final testing showed that many tests were passed similarly successful by both groups, the exclusion was memory tests: participants who had used Ecstasy scored worse. The scientists’ conclusion is clear: it’s enough to take 3 ecstasy pills a month to cause serious memory problems.


It’s noteworthy that the research is virtually the only one that gives reliable records of the drug side effects. 

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