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A taxi bus driver used to sell drugs at the wheel


Police of Poltava, Ukraine, arrested a taxi bus driver selling drugs right at the wheel.

Driving along the route, the 53-year-old resident of the city who had been previously convicted of drug possession and drug trade, used to take orders by cell phone, arranging the time and the place of the deal, and then sold drugs before the very eyes of passengers. Some of his clients used to sit on the front seat to buy drugs.

The drug dealer was caught red-handed selling acetylated opium at a bus stop in Poltava. Police found and expropriated a sale weight of opium and anhydrite used to produce drugs in his Gazel vehicle. Also a knuckle duster was found in the microbus. The driver insisted that he used it for self-defense.

In the course of apprehending the suspect, he was inadequate. Allegedly, his condition was caused by drug intoxication. The suspect told the police that he had found the drugs on the street and meant to keep them for personal use.

A criminal case is initiated. The driver is charged of illegal drugs production and drug trade. Pre-trial investigation of the case is in progress.

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