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Director of the Mexico City airport is a suspect of drug smuggling.


Last Tuesday, Mexico's largest daily newspaper, El Universal, said it has a number of documents from the U.S. Department of Justice, which explicitly state that Hector Velazquez (director of the international airport of Mexico City) is presumably working with the major drug cartels of the country.

Interestingly, the reason for the publication was a skirmish that took place in one of the airport terminals. Three police officers who tried to catch their colleagues suspected in drug trafficking red handed were randomly shot. By happy coincidence, passengers who were in the fast food sector were not injured.

After reviewing records from the security cameras, police has identified shooters and started
searching for them.

Documents of U.S. Department of Justice, which are mentioned in the El Universal, contain evidence that Mexico’s airport is the largest gateway in the region for trafficking drugs abroad. Among the main "clients" of the airport in this area were criminals from the "Gulf Cartel", "Los Setas" and "Cartel de Sinaloa." U.S. security forces operating in Mexico collected a large amount of evidence of cooperation between the cartels and the head of the airport.

El Universal also noted that Mr. Velasquez  is close to the of President of the country, Felipe Calderon, who has been struggling against organized crime and drug trafficking for 6 years. In turn, the official explanation from the management of the airport has not yet been reported.


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