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Federal Drug Control Service: Every year, Russia loses 600 billion rubles from the drug trade.


Moscow hosted the regular meeting of the National Anti-Narcotics Committee. After the meeting, head of Federal Drug Control Service,Viktor Ivanov,  has made a number of statements.

In particular, Mr. Ivanov said that Russia's budget each year is losing nearly 600 billion rubles due to the drug trade. "According to our estimates, the total loss is around six hundred billion rubles" - complained the head of Federal Drug Control Service.

This amount consists of expenditures on law enforcement activities related to narcotics, such as police work, investigative and legal actions and maintenance of prisons.

"In addition, everyone chronic drug addict, almost certainly, will never work. They fell from the ranks of the economically active population, as well as those who sell drugs to them ", - said Ivanov -" This is only a superficial assessment of the damage caused by drug addiction to our country."

At the above mentioned meeting statistical evidence that at least 18.5 million citizens of Russia have tried drugs at least once, 8.5 million people use them regularly was presented. 2.3 million of them are chronic drug users, including 800,000 opium addicts, 1.5 million depend on synthetic drugs, and the rest - from marijuana.

It is reported that this data is a results of a careful analysis of multi-drug situation conducted by Federal Drug Control Service.


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