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In Uruguay, the state monopolizes the production and sale of marijuana


Recently, Uruguayan government has come up with an original plan, which they believe will help to overcome the drug trade problem. They proposed to legalize the sale of marijuana in the country without restrictions, but strict state control over cannabis cultivation and trafficking will be implied, which virtually means monopolization of this industry.

According to the leading mass media in Latin America, the initiative is part of the package of measures to strengthen the fight against crime, consisting of 15 stages. Currently the proposal is under consideration of Uruguay's President, Jose Alberto Mujica Kordai.

According to the UN report, three out of ten crimes committed in Uruguay involve adolescents who, at the time of the unlawful actions, are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.  This has negative results on the state’s budget as well- The state also has considerable damage - in the last year government have not received $75 million.

This because the main t cause of the anti-drug initiative: government seeks to provide young consumers of hard drugs with a "lighter" alternative.

Currently, marijuana use in Uruguay is not punishable by law, but its distribution and storage entails a prison term of up to 6 years. If the bill is approved it will become a unique case, because so far legalization of marijuana is not even considered in Latin America.

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