Vladimir Zaitsev
Doctors tend not to talk about "recovered drug addicts," and prefer the term "inactive addicts" those who dont use drugs right at given moment. In your opinion, is it not possible to get rid of this label? Even in the opinion of drug treatment experts, patients remain forever addicted. How can the modern society be taught to have an adequate attitude toward former drug addicts and consider them as a part of the society?
There is such a thing called - resocialization. So far we only do some tentative steps in this direction. It is important to establish a thoughtful, coordinated with all stakeholders and agencies document. To invest money in it, to conduct specific activities under the supervision of public, but not engaging in the formalism. We need an outreach under the theme: "Drug addicts do not live on a desert island, they are with us, among us. They are our children, our brothers, our future. "
In you opinion how important is parental education and relationships within the family in preventing drug addiction?
The answer to this question lies within the question itself - the major role. If parents will not control and "take care" (by good means) of their child, no one will - neither the school nor the army nor the university, or his/her friends cannot protect a young man (girl) from trouble.
What should be in the Internet age and growth of online communities informational methods to combat drug addiction? What do you think, what means will be most effective today, and how the state should behave in order to successfully affect the suffering of drug addiction and to conduct prevention among healthy population?
Precise regulation of the legal side of the issue - the adoption of legal acts that determine the barrier to the Internet-swindlers who benefit on the problems of drug addicts. A broad explanatory work among youth is needed. We must get away from simple methods such as reading lectures and apply some visual methods while working with teenagers – organize shows (films, slides, communication with drug addicted people, etc.) with the obligatory introduction of competent people.