Kyzylgyul Yasin kyzy Abbasova
Doctors tend not to talk about "recovered drug addicts," and prefer the term "inactive addicts" those who dont use drugs right at given moment. In your opinion, is it not possible to get rid of this label? Even in the opinion of drug treatment experts, patients remain forever addicted. How can the modern society be taught to have an adequate attitude toward former drug addicts and consider them as a part of the society?
The problem is that it is almost impossible to cure from this disease. Of course, they should not be treated as outcasts. We must use the opportunities of the Narcotics Anonymous society, and of other communities so that former addicts do not feel deprived and don’t seek for “happiness” in drugs. After all, every addict – is a lost identity and lost citizen.
In you opinion how important is parental education and relationships within the family in preventing drug addiction?
It plays a great role. Unfortunately, parents who did not have proper premarital training, or had problems with their own parents face a lot of troubles when they get married and start raising children. Practice shows that in families where one parent smokes or drinks, or does not work, or do not get along with other family members, or people of different views and positions there is a high likelihood that children will choose incorrect path in their life as well.
What should be in the Internet age and growth of online communities informational methods to combat drug addiction? What do you think, what means will be most effective today, and how the state should behave in order to successfully affect the suffering of drug addiction and to conduct prevention among healthy population?
Healthy lifestyle needs to be promoted. Also we need to make sure that children have an opportunity to show their talents, learn properly and do a professional job. There needs to be more competitions, contests, communication at all levels and in all age groups. It is necessary to raise the standards of living and at the same time deal with waste because there are drug addicts who use drugs from idle life. We need to constantly be aware of the people from this risk group, and keep in mind potential drug addicts. Overall, we need the whole new civilization, new people. Perhaps, this will happen, but after the great upheaval caused by careless attitude toward ourselves in our lives. There needs to be a public policy, in which each of us will be closely involved.