Tatiana Wiesel
Doctors tend not to talk about "recovered drug addicts," and prefer the term "inactive addicts" those who dont use drugs right at given moment. In your opinion, is it not possible to get rid of this label? Even in the opinion of drug treatment experts, patients remain forever addicted. How can the modern society be taught to have an adequate attitude toward former drug addicts and consider them as a part of the society?
Again, I look at this issue from the perspective of neuropsychology. If a person believes in his mind, and experiences the true joy of what he can achieve with his thoughts and feelings, he will fall for dependency on himself, and not from any substances that toxicates his body. His endogenous motivation, the desire of ecstasy, "lavement of endorphins," gained on his own are often stronger than those coming from outside the body. Drug addicts must be examined on the detection of their hidden (or obvious) talents, after that, they must be enthralled to implement these talents. Drug-dependent people must be engaged in those activities for which they have the ability. Perhaps it would be useful to organize competitions for the duration of life without drugs, by giving the substantial rewards for the winners. Fighting with themselves unwillingly will lead to "filling the vacuum," with the need to find an occupation. Psychology and neuropsychology have powerful diagnostical and therapeutic tools and methods of suggestion, that turn from the artificial ways of achieving certain goals. However, their use is often limited by economic problems. It is essential that the appropriate state institutions possess the material means for the organization of training and demonstration of products obtained in the process of art therapy, science therapy and others. A person must see the fruits of his work and the appreciation of others.
In you opinion how important is parental education and relationships within the family in preventing drug addiction?
There is no doubt that family conflicts negatively affect children's psyche, so they start looking for artificial ways of “oblivion”. The growing tendency of the lack of spirituality in the society directly contributes to the destruction of parent-child relationship. The need for mental state and spiritual uplift will never disappear. A person needs them just as he needs physical food. Children, young people are not aware of the evil sides of getting the spiritual food with the help of drugs. Parents who, find their children at the "crime scene", get on the way of condemnation, threatening and labeling them, this in fact only exacerbates the situation. Everyone knows how strong the protest reactions of young people are, and condemnations of their parents can easily provoke them. Instead, one must be an old, wise friend and give a helping hand.
What should be in the Internet age and growth of online communities informational methods to combat drug addiction? What do you think, what means will be most effective today, and how the state should behave in order to successfully affect the suffering of drug addiction and to conduct prevention among healthy population?
From the standpoint of neuropsychology I believe that to fight against drug addiction, a more extensive and accessible in form and content publication needes to be published on the Internet, about human brain, how drugs affect it and how you can prevent drug addiction by using your own brain reserves. It should be also stated convincingly that drugs and their use – is not a way to enhance your prestige in the society. Similar methods to be a part of the elite have always existed at all times. However, some of them are relatively harmless, such as clothing and image-building as a whole, but there are life-threatening methods, such as drugs. Competitive factor can only be a belief in the power of mind, belief in your significance and value of personal identity to others. This cannot be achieved easily: an active, competent, exciting promotion is required, first of all in the Internet. The Internet is a place where the most volnurable part of the population - the youth – live at risk inclined to the drug use. The language of such propaganda is fundamentally important. It should be on the same level with the language used by teenagers and young adults, it should be "their" specific language. This requires the participation in preparation of educational materials (texts, videos, etc.), intelligent writers and psychologists. Cliche and truisms – are not effective. People at risk of drug use - are specific psychological character types, with hysteroid accentuation of personality. They have a high degree of reactivity to all the bright and exotic things. They should be armed with a powerful verbal and other "antidote" methods to quite drugs. Texts, videos and other means against the drug use should be even more compelling, powerful in content, with aesthetic design and energy investments compared to those methods that are used to engage in the drug network.