Sylvie Cairon
Doctors tend not to talk about "recovered drug addicts," and prefer the term "inactive addicts" those who dont use drugs right at given moment. In your opinion, is it not possible to get rid of this label? Even in the opinion of drug treatment experts, patients remain forever addicted. How can the modern society be taught to have an adequate attitude toward former drug addicts and consider them as a part of the society?
It is the question of bringing up. The earlier and more complete an individual is informed, the more lively he gets interested in following the information. It is important to communicate inside the family, in school, work place. Communication on the topic can start at a very young age, preferably at adolescence. Even at this early age it is possible to explain what drug addiction is explaining that tolerance and understanding can be extremely helpful.
In you opinion how important is parental education and relationships within the family in preventing drug addiction?
Parents play a crucial role. It is important to maintain a dialogue with a teenager. He has to feel the support and realize that he is listened to…
What should be in the Internet age and growth of online communities informational methods to combat drug addiction? What do you think, what means will be most effective today, and how the state should behave in order to successfully affect the suffering of drug addiction and to conduct prevention among healthy population?
Internet is undoubtedly a very important tool for researching and getting information one wants. Mass media units, such as TV and radio, specialized information sources within the field of healthcare, or, for instance, information brochures that are usually distributed in the waiting halls, in my opinion, serve a decent starting point for informational campaigns… The result is much better if the campaign receives political and financial support on the country level.