Semplis Agnimo
What is the role of parental bringing up and in-family relations as preventive measures for drug abuse?
All these are closely connected. Families that are in a difficult financial condition do not usually have a chance to control what their children do, what environment they are in and what they are offered. As for treating a drug addict, it is also extremely expensive. The best way, therefore, is to fight against any of the distribution or vending tools. This, however, requires a lot of financial expenses as well.
In the century of the Internet and new communication technologies, what are the methods of informational war against drug abuse? What method is the most effective today; what should the government do in order to reach drug addicts and to conduct preventive measures among healthy population groups?
It is important to regulate and control over the problem from the very young age and on the national level! There is also a need to choose a way of combating extreme poverty in the world as most of the unemployed and deprived of permanent income have no other option but start using drugs.