Mohammad Saleh Al-Malkawi
Media Consultant for the Minister of Parliamentary Affairs. Director of the Dialogue Conference Center (Al-Ofoq) DCC. Media Consultant for the Minister of Culture. Media Consultant for the Minister of Municipal Affairs. Journalist - Jordan News Agency / Petra.
What should be in the Internet age and growth of online communities informational methods to combat drug addiction? What do you think, what means will be most effective today, and how the state should behave in order to successfully affect the suffering of drug addiction and to conduct prevention among healthy population?
Traditional methods have proved to be effective in the fight against drugs in light of the development of ways of smuggling. In addition to the drug addiction problem, today we have another one- many countries are unable to control drug trafficking. Due to poverty and mass unemployment in many of these states, the criminal world is developing faster than the government is finding restraint and prevention methods.
My suggestions:
1. Ways to combat drug addiction must be based on knowledge of the causes that lead to addiction. Correct assessment of former addicts should be carried out.
2.It is necessary to actively promote youth communities in the universities and take advantage of all the ways to combat drug addiction and, most importantly, work with young people as partners in implementation of various anti-drug programs.
3. We may use youth groups to create specific communities in social networking sites to inform more people about the danger of drug abuse.
4. I believe that creating a special fund to support former drug addicts will be a good contribution to the prevention of drug addiction. We could provide employment and educational opportunities to rehabilitated people, so they can learn a profession and live honestly and decently. All of this should be funded by international anti-drug organizations.
5. It is relevant to use creativity to deal with drug addiction. May be useful caricatures, cartoons, music videos, songs, games, dances.
6. I suggest declaring an annual award for the best contribution to the prevention of drug abuse, to honor winners with certificates.
7. Create short public service announcements about the danger of drugs. Distribute them on sites, social networks and forums to communicate directly or indirectly with the audience about danger of drugs.
8. The role of certain authority is very important. It doesn’t matter how this authority will reach young people: it can be a church, family, university or school. This should be respected and revered man from the community, (not politics), which positively influences others.
9. I think that music, sports, and various other communities, which will include people who are former drug addicts should be created. There might be a lot of talented people among them. Our task is to make them feel important and needed in the society. We should give them a chance to prove through their talent and work, that drug addiction is a disease that can be fought.
10. I think that, that special international board of volunteers and former drug addicts should be also created to discuss the legislation, as well as finding the best ways to combat drug addiction and drug abuse.
11. Close relationship between the media in different countries should be established in order to create an overall plan to combat drugs. We need to encourage anti-drug propaganda in the mass media (newspapers, websites, radio and television) .
12. And finally, I think that international cooperation should be inclusive. We can form a cross-regional group to prevent the spread of drugs.
Mass media is the most influential body in the fight against drug trafficking, so it would be advisable to hold the conferences on anti-drug topic at international, regional and local levels.