Fadel Merzi
What should be in the Internet age and growth of online communities informational methods to combat drug addiction? What do you think, what means will be most effective today, and how the state should behave in order to successfully affect the suffering of drug addiction and to conduct prevention among healthy population?
1. It is better to carry out drug prevention activities rather than curing it later on. A commitment to the teachings of Islam is important, in order to build a strong and stable society and to raise strong personalities. To grow a wise and conscious generation through the creation of moral values. It is necessary to support these moral values, do not deny them, and with the help of the campaigns organized for young people, through the dialogue and by showing moral films it will be possible to inform the public that drug addiction is very dangerous. All of these are the duties and responsibilities of parents, cultural and educational institutions and the media.
2. The role of the mass media – is to lead the youth to the right track, because sometimes, the media has also some questionable materials. A happy family life with cherished family values must be presented to the youth.
3. As for the politicians, they need to make an education in accordance with religion, to strengthen the role of NGOs and social reformers and to eliminate the corruption and evil ... Reformers are the most important people in the society in maintaining the integrity and psychological stability of the society, besides, they have the willpower and determination to achieve their goals.
4. The role of the family – are the parental responsibilities, awareness and understanding of their responsibility in the upbringing of their children, which is very important. These include caring and friendly atmosphere in the family, opinion exchange, conversations with children and wise advises. The relationship between older and younger generations should be based on understanding and objectively assessing the situatons of others. It is important to be able to understand them, their aspirations and goals, and not to express your denial and rejection.
5. School plays an important role in educating the next generation, because it is their second home. The school must develop special methods to provide care and psychological assistance, and give wise advices. Schools should strengthen child's beliefs in himself and in life, to see positive sides, especially now, when our people are experiencing a great difficulty and upheaval, and there is no stability in education sector in the Arab world.
6. Medical services also play an important role in taking care of people, they spread the information that drug prevention is better than curing it later. It is their responsibility to create drug treatment clinics, and to provide full medical care. It is necessary to inform people about the dangers and terrible consequences of drug abuse, and that addicts destroy themselves. Such organizations must carry out the preventive measures to prevent people from drug addiction and to protect the society from this danger.
7. Youth organizations are also important. Their activities should be aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles, to direct the forces of young people into the right direction, and most importantly, to diverse young people away from negative thoughts and depression. We must teach young people to dispose their abilities in a right way, to be able to achieve their life goals and self-actualize. These include cultural and sports clubs, art clubs, camps, environment caring centers ... Through the Islamic teaching it is important to develop resistance and immunity in youth to the difficulties of life.
8. The Drugs control services play an important role in the elimination of the sources of addiction, especially the trade and cultivation of plants. Smuggling threatens the whole world and spreads its branches everywhere, and those who benefit from the drug trade contribute to this process. Following the strict sanctions against human traffickers and the financing of control, it is necessary to manage the control on contraband for the security interests of modern society and future generations.