Jean-Luc Maxence
Jean-Luc Maxence, was born in 1946, is a poet, writer and French editor. He is a national association of prevention of drug abuse, the Centre Didro (Paris) and President of the French delegation of the European Association of psychoanalysis (www.aepsi.it).
His editorial activity in the company Nouvel Athanor, that he leads is oriented towards the defence of contemporary poetry as the journals that he has based presence and looks and specifications of the meaning. He has published several books of poetry and essays on drug addiction, HIV-positive writers or even studies on René Guénon or Carl Gustav Jung. As a publisher, he has published anthologies of mystical poetry (1999) and Masonic (2007)
What should be in the Internet age and growth of online communities informational methods to combat drug addiction? What do you think, what means will be most effective today, and how the state should behave in order to successfully affect the suffering of drug addiction and to conduct prevention among healthy population?
It has been always important to inform, educate and warn both young people and their parents about the real danger that lies behind the drug consumption. All this is done in order to destroy the existing tendency that injecting drugs, drinking, smoking cannabis, using ecstasy, etc. - is cool. As if the right to self-destruct is a human right! ". We will achieve our goal of protecting health, only when in France and throughout Europe, takinng stimulators will become unpopular and even mauvais ton! As for the so-called "experts" who only after two decades came to the conclusion that cannabis, for example, is less dangerous... than tobacco! But here is the irony of fate, the whole world starts to realize the dangers hiding in tobacco, and this applies not only to cancer! The same thing will happen with cannabis, if the "professionals" really want it. It is necessary to inform, to participate in the networks that tell us about drug dependency and to carry out preventive measures in the streets, social and cultural circles, and social networks. One must not sit back but has to feel the responsibility.